online porn

Pornographic websites, chat rooms, and newsgroups found on the Internet. It is a case of history repeating itself: Soon after the video recorder was introduced, it was used extensively for X-rated movies, and a lot of money was made; so too with adult-content websites. They infiltrated the Web from its inception, generating enormous amounts of cash.
Historical perspective: Online porn was already a $1 billion industry in 1998, due primarily to online ads and subscriptions. As of 2006, the online porn industry generated more than $97.06 billion in revenue. As of April, 2012 the largest porn site on the Web received 4.4 billion page views per month, or about triple the traffic of CNN or ESPN. The average time spent on a porn site, according to Google's DoubleClick, is between 15 and 20 minutes, compared with 3 to 6 minutes for a non-porn site.
By 2016, The Washington Post said the science shows that online pornography is the public health crisis of the digital age, shaping our attitudes on gender, kntimacy, and sexual violence. One study showed that 83% of U.S. college men who reported viewing mainstream pornography were more likely to say they would commit rape or sexual assault.
In early 2019 during the Trump government shutdown, Pornhub, the streaming pornography service, announced a 6.3% increase in traffic from the Washington, D.C. metro area.

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