
A method of coding a Web page to divide the layout into two or more independent parts. Technically, it is the simultaneous loading of two or more Web pages within the same browser screen. For certain kinds of content frames are an excellent way to organize information on a Web site. Originally developed by Netscape, it used to be a popular feature supported by most browsers but fell out of favor due to smaller screens and search engine optimization techniques.
Some Web sites may still offer a "frames" version and a "no frames" version, but more often you will see an iframe that allows other people's content to be displayed on your screen.
Historical perspective: The way to go "back" from within a frame (since the back button doesn't always work within individual frames) is to use the right-click button on your mouse. A small menu will pop-up, and you can choose what you want to do from there, including printing the active frame.

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